Nucleo Boards
Last release of STM32CubeIDE can be obtained here:
For Debian like distributions (e.g. ubuntu), download the STM32CubeIDE-DEB file. To download it, you will need to provide name and a valid email address.
Unzip the file (e.g. <FILE> =
unzip <FILE>
It will generate a .sh file. Give it permits for execution.
chmod 777 <FILE>.sh
Finally, execute the installation
sudo ./<FILE>.sh
You must accept all license agreements.
Last release of STM32CubeIDE can be obtained here:
For Windows like distributions, download the STM32CubeIDE-Win file. To download it, you will need to provide name and a valid email address.
Unzip the file and execute the binary. Follow all steps and accept all conditions.
Last release of STM32CubeIDE can be obtained here:
For MAC like distributions, download the STM32CubeIDE-MAC file. To download it, you will need to provide name and a valid email address.
Unzip the file and execute the binary. Follow all steps and accept all conditions.
IMPORTANT Some problems have been reported related to lasts versions of STM32CubeIDE-MAC, where the code generator does not include macro definitions for the peripheral of nucleo-boards. Last version correctly tested is 1.0.0.
Hello World
In this Section a Hellow World (led blinking) example will be programmed on a NUCLEO-F446RE board:
- Open STM32CubeIDE
- Select where to store the workspace. This will be the folder where different projects could be stored.
- Select Start new STM32 project
- A microcontroller or board should be selected. In our case, a NUCLEO-F446RE will be used. Then, select board selector and search part number Nucleo-F446RE . Once chosen, press Next
- Chose a Project name (e.g. ledp) and keep the rest of parameters as they are. Press Finish
- The STM32CubeIDE will ask if you want Initialize all peripherals with their default Mode. Answer Yes
- The STM32CubeIDE will inform that yhis kind of projects is associated with the STM32CubeMx prespective and will ask if you want to open this perspective now. Answer Yes .
Download of required libraries will start. It could take long for the first time depending on your connection settings. - Once the project is open, on the left side on the "Project Explorer", look for Src -> main.c .
Inside the code, look for the while(1) sentence in the main(void) function, and fill it as follows:while (1) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin); HAL_Delay(100); /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */
- In order to compile, Go to Project -> Build All (Ctrl+B or Hammer) . It should compile the code without errors.
If any error appears, previous steps should be reviewed. - In order to start the debugger, Go to Run -> Debug (F11 or bug)
Select STM32 MCU C/C++ Application and Press OK - Leave all configuration propeties as they are and Press OK
- The STM32CubeIDE will ask if you want to switch to the debug perspective say Switch
- In order to execute the code, Go to Run -> Resume (F8 or Green Arrow) .
The led should be blinking at 100 ms.
Problems with STM32CUBEIDE
sprintf %f
All the information on this page is obtained from: There is some errors on the implementation of malloc on STM32CubeMX, so if using some newlib fuctions (e.g. sprintf %f), the following steps must be implemented:
- Remove heapX.c form Middlewares->Thirs_Party->FreeRTOS->Source->CMSIS_RTOS_V2->portable->MemMang->heap_X.c
- Add this file to the Src directory: heap_useNewlib and rename it as heap_useNewlib.c
- Comment _sbrk function on sysmem.c file; it is already implemented on heap_useNewlib.c
- Include in FreeRTOSConfig.h the folowing directive:
#define configUSE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT 1
IDE Flickering
First check the value of GTK_IM_MODULE in your environment by executing
If the output is "xim", Eclipse expects it to be “ibus”. So enter the following command in a terminal session to set it to the value.
export GTK_IM_MODULE="ibus"
Now if you launch Eclipse from the same terminal session, you should not experience any flickering issue. If you launch eclipse from a desktop menu entry, then edit the .desktop file (e.g. /usr/share/applications/st-stm32cubeide-1.6.1.desktop) and put the following string in the beginning of the Exec command:
env GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
E.g. Exec=env GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.6.1/stm32cubeide %F