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<li> Trabajos Fin de Titulación: [[http://www.robolabo.etsit.upm.es/wikiFiles/templateTFT_v2020.tgz templateTFT_v2020.tgz ]]</li>
<li> Trabajos Fin de Titulación: [[http://www.robolabo.etsit.upm.es/wikiFiles/templateTFT_v2023.tgz templateTFT_v2023.tgz ]]</li>
<li> Presentaciones: [[http://www.robolabo.etsit.upm.es/wikiFiles/tfg_presentation.tgz pres_template.tgz]]</li>
<li> Presentaciones: [[http://www.robolabo.etsit.upm.es/wikiFiles/tfg_presentation.tgz pres_template.tgz]]</li>
<li> [http://www.robolabo.etsit.upm.es/publications/courses/2020-Latex_OverleafTemplate.zip Overleaf template ]</li>
<!--<li> [http://www.robolabo.etsit.upm.es/publications/courses/2020-Latex_OverleafTemplate.zip Overleaf template ]</li>-->
<li> [http://www.robolabo.etsit.upm.es/wikiFiles/2023-Latex_OverleafTemplate.zip Overleaf template ]</li>

Revision as of 09:25, 26 June 2023


apt-get install texlive-full

Latex Manuals

  • Manual 1
  • Manual 2
  • Manual 3
  • Templates

    Some considerations you need to define in src/tft.tex:

    • If you want a double-side printing

      or a single-side printing

    • The template has two colors to be implemented for titles and headers: orange

      or black

    • If compiling with latex (as with makefile provided), this line should be uncommented:
      \usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref} % Use it if compiling with latex (default on makefile)

      On the contrary, if using pdflatex (as for example overleaf), this line should be uncommented:

      \usepackage{hyperref} % Use it if compiling with with pdflatex (default on overleaf)


    Bibliography style for the different elements to cite inside the document. ALIAS is referred to the name of the bibtex element that you are going to cite it.


     author  = {{AUTHOR}},
     title   = {{TITLE}},
     journal = {{JOURNAL}},
     volume  = {{VOLUME}},
     number  = {{NUMBER}},
     pages   = {{PAGES}},
     year    = {{YEAR}},

    Collection of books

     author    = {{AUTHOR}},
     title 	   = {{TITLE}},
     booktitle = {{BOOKTITLE}},
     editor    = {{EDITOR}},
     publisher = {{PUBLISHER}},
     address   = {{ADRESS}},
     pages     = {{PAGES}},
     year      = {{YEAR}},

    Conference proceedings

     author    = {{AUTHOR}},
     title 	   = {{TITLE}},
     booktitle = {{BOOKTITLE}},
     publisher = {{PUBLISHER}},
     address   = {{ADRESS}},
     pages     = {{PAGES}},
     year      = {{YEAR}},

    Technical Report

     author      = {{AUTHOR}},
     title 	     = {{TITLE}},
     institution = {{INSTITUTION}},
     number      = {{NUMBER}},
     year        = {{YEAR}},


     author    = {{AUTHOR}},
     title 	   = {{TITLE}},
     publisher = {{PUBLISHER}},
     address   = {{ADRESS}},
     year      = {{YEAR}},

    PHD Thesis

     author = {{AUTHOR}},
     title  = {{TITLE}},
     school = {{SCHOOL}},	
     year   = {{YEAR}},

    Web Links

     author       = {{AUTHOR}},
     title        = {{TITLE}},
     howpublished = {\url{LINK}},
     year         = {{YEAR}},
     note         = {[Online; accessed DATE]}


    Some problems have been reported when compiling TikZ with TexLive 2009.

    Compilation Problems

    Whether compiling you get:

    I can't  find file tikzlibrary

    Then, it is possible you have problems with TexLive and need to install new TexLive version.

    Download TexLive 2011 image:

    wget http://ftp.oleane.net/pub/CTAN/systems/texlive/Images/texlive2011.iso

    Mount the .iso image as root:

    mount -o loop -t iso9660 texlive2011.iso /media/cdrom

    Install TexLive:


    Choose the following options:

    Options -> Create SymLinks -> [Chose Standar Dirs]

    Compilation works, but not pictures shown

    Get last pgf package:

    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pgf/pgf/version%202.10/ \
      pgf_2.10.tds.zip?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fpgf%2F&ts= \

    Unzip the downloaded file. Substitute the old pgp package by the new downloaded one:

    mv tex/generic/pgf/* /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/*

    Execute as superuser:


    DVI problems

    dvipdfm does not completelly supports tikz options. Modify it by dvipdfmx

    Videos on Beamer

    In videoLatexTemplate.tgz there is an example with two different options to include videos on beamer.

    • The first one inserts the video on the pdf. There is a video2image.sh script that converts a video into different frames (.EPS). It requires ffmpeg and sam2p. Later on animategraphics is in charge of moving the frames:

    • The second one inserts an image that one pressed launches a player.

    To compile you need to run:

    make videos

    Memory size limit

    If you get something like this: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000].


    kpsewhich texmf.cnf 

    Edit, the file that it outputs regardless it says not to touch

    Add the follwing line:

    main_memory = 8000000

    Now you need to update the system:

    fmtutil-sys --all

    After that, it should work